Make the Withered Tree Bloom: A Reflection by Deacon Jim Hyatt

I was riding my bike around town last week, enjoying the sunshine and hoping to clear my head with all the work and family stuff that was jumbled around in there. As I rode, I saw a young mom pushing a double stroller with one hand and holding a dog leash with the other. The two kids were babbling as she hurried along. There was a car parked on the side of the road that partially blocked the sidewalk she was on, so she was trying to maneuver the double stroller one way around the car while the dog of course wanted to go the other way. I passed by just then and said, “You have your hands full.” And she said, “I definitely have my hands full!”

I can relate as my wife and I and I have raised five kids, pushed double strollers for miles, prepared food, and picked up a lot of toys. So, when I saw her, I got to thinking about all of us in that same kind of situation… being pulled in multiple directions at once.

All of us use these busy people terms like, “Got my hands full”, or “I am juggling a lot.” Busy. Probably could use help but maybe not asking for it. Assuring ourselves that things will slow down in July… hopefully.

Well, will they? And do they? While I may not have a miracle app on my phone to keep all of my work stuff and to do list straight, there is a place I turn to that helps make sense of it all. To help me slow down a little. And it involves me getting it off my chest to someone who will listen.

I vent. I complain. I probably whine. I explain how sorry I feel for myself… and I get understanding. 

I tell of my hurts… and I start to heal.

I review all of my to do’s… and I get clarity about what on that list really matters. I talk about it and ask for opinion on what I should do… and I get relief.

Or if I am exhausted and emotionally spent… I am held and not judged. He says, “Why did you wait so long to come to me?” And I have no answer. So, I just rest in His arms.

Who listens like that? Who holds us like that? Our Savior, that’s who.

While praying Our Fathers and Hail Marys are important in our lives, getting to the core of our relationship with Him involves opening up, trusting and letting it all out. “Pour out your hearts to God our refuge.” (Psalm 62:9) This is the best prayer we can do because it’s real, it’s true, it’s personal and He wants to listen. So, talk to Him. Tell Him what you are anxious about, what you need, what you hope for. Ask for His help or just let it all out… and rest. Don’t think, just rest. 

That’s the most powerful prayer we can ever do. Don’t keep Him waiting, talk to Him. Rest in Him.

“And all of the trees of the field shall know that I, the Lord…make the withered tree bloom.” (Ezekiel 17:24)

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